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Upcoming forum to explore dentists' roles as allies

June 8, 2021
For Pride Month, dentists are invited to attend an open forum to discuss ways to be stronger allies and to promote continued awareness and education.

For Pride Month, the American Dental Association (ADA) has organized a forum to encourage dental professionals to be stronger allies to the LGBTQ+ community and to provide tools and resources to help attendees make the dental profession more inclusive and welcoming.

The forum, Amplifying Voices: An Open Forum on LGBTQ+ Community and the Dental Profession, organized by the ADA’s New Dentist Committee and Diversity and Inclusion Committee, is scheduled for June 23 at 7 p.m. Central time.

“As health care and dentistry continue to make progress, the only way we can have true equality is through the allyship of all of our colleagues and those in leadership positions,” said Alex Barrera, D.D.S., an event panelist who also helped found the Houston Equality Dental Network, an organized dentistry group specifically for LGBTQ+ dental professionals and patients.

Barrera is also a guest blogger for the ADA and has written a post on five ways to be a better ally dentist.

Access the ADA brief on the upcoming forum.