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Technology's role in patient care, workflow, and profitability: One dentist’s story

Aug. 9, 2023
This endodontist shares how the dental technology he incorporated has helped his practice grow and allowed him to treat more (and happier) patients.

I pursued dentistry because I knew I wanted a career that would combine my love of science and art. For me, art is at the crux of dentistry: we’re finding ways to create beautiful and healthy smiles through creative, collaborative, and—dare I say—artistic decisions.

My career began a bit unusually. I was born and raised in Egypt, where I completed dental school. I moved to the US about 14 years ago, and I completed dental school again. During my time at the University of Washington, I was exposed to a variety of advanced technologies, tools, and techniques that intrigued me as being the future of dentistry.

Because of this, I decided to become an endodontist and to dedicate my career to saving teeth using innovative and groundbreaking methods. I am now the only board-certified endodontist in the Nashua and Hudson areas of New Hampshire.

What tech is making a difference?

I have long held a tech-first mindset, which has helped me navigate many challenging cases and allowed me to streamline my practice, all while offering an exceptional patient experience. I believe general dentists and specialists alike should adopt new technology as it is the gateway to progress in the dental industry.

So far, these are the two most impactful technologies I’ve invested in:

  • Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) for three-dimensional imaging
  • The GentleWave System (Sonendo) for root canal treatment.

Both technologies are now standard in my practice. The 3D imaging provided by my CBCT machine creates an incredibly detailed model, enabling me to develop more robust and accurate treatment plans for my patients.

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When it comes to root canals, the GentleWave System has made an unbelievable difference in my practice. Out of all dental procedures, my patients tend to dread root canals the most due to widespread misconceptions about severe pain levels and long recovery times. This is exactly why I look forward to introducing them to this new technology.

GentleWave’s minimally invasive approach reduces the need for manual instrumentation. Instead, it uses a vortex of procedure fluids1,2 and acoustic energy to clean the deepest portions of the root canal system,3 something that is difficult to achieve with traditional methods.

Patients experience minimal pain postprocedure and faster healing. With this technology, the tooth can typically be cleaned and filled in just one appointment. This reduces the need for multiple office visits, and we’re able to treat more patients, both major advantages for busy patients and my practice.

As a dental professional, the GentleWave System helps me navigate the inevitable challenges that arise during complex dental procedures. Clinicians can easily elevate their patients’ endo-restorative experience and their overall practice.

Patient sentiment

Positive sentiment is essential to achieving high patient satisfaction. I receive overwhelmingly favorable feedback regarding my use of technology. In fact, I’ve found that many patients are educating themselves about their options and requesting the use of advanced technology over traditional treatment methods.

Education is the key to ensuring our patients’ comfort. Fear is often a huge component of a patient’s dental experience, especially when considering complex procedures like root canals. Sharing details with patients about the technology and what they can expect often helps ease their anxiety.

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Hesitant to invest in new tech? 

Technology can be a significant—and in some cases, daunting—investment for dental practice owners, but the benefits often outweigh the costs, especially when return on investment can be achieved quickly. Here are two important questions to ask yourself before investing in any new technology:

  • Do you know enough about this product to invest?
  • What stage of growth is your practice in, and does this product fit your current and future needs?

While the benefits of innovative technology are clear, keep in mind that every tool you implement comes with new processes. Ensure that you dedicate time and resources to understanding the technology itself and how to incorporate it into your current workflow, as well as considerations for future growth.

I view technology as a partner in achieving my ultimate goals: alleviating pain for my patients and finding innovative ways to save their teeth. My decision to embrace technology has not only helped me advance my practice, but it has given me the opportunity to improve my clinical skills daily.

If you are a dentist looking to attract new patients and grow your practice, investing in the right technology is an excellent way to set yourself apart from others and increase your profitability.

Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Through the Loupes newsletter, a publication of the Endeavor Business Media Dental Group. Read more articles and subscribe to Through the Loupes.


  1. Sigurdsson A, Garland RW, Le KT, Woo SM. 12-month healing rates after endodontic therapy using the novel GentleWave System: a prospective multicenter clinical study. J Endod. 2016;42(7):1040-1048. doi:10.1016/j.joen.2016.04.017
  2. Vandrangi P, Basrani B. Multisonic ultracleaning in molars with the GentleWave System. Oral Health. May 1, 2015.
  3. Molina B, Glickman G, Vandrangi P, Khakpour M. Evaluation of root canal debridement of human molars using the GentleWave System. J Endod. 2015;41(10):1701-1705. doi:10.1016/j.joen.2015.06.018
About the Author

Tadros M. Tadros, DDS

Tadros M. Tadros, DDS, is a graduate of the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle, and he went on to earn his endodontic certificate from Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. He is an associate professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and a captain in the US Army Reserve Dental Corps at the 455th Dental Company at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Visit his website to learn more about how he has incorporated technology into his practice.

Updated August 9, 2023