November 4, 2013
As dental professionals from all corners and sectors sleepily return to work on this Monday morning after spending a week in New Orleans for the ADA Annual Session, the experts at Baird Equity Research have already issued their report on dental technology from the meeting.
Despite the October report asserting that the “stable and slightly growing” market had slowed down due to seasonality, experts are confident to report that the meeting confirmed what they’ve suspected all year: North American markets are stable and general consumables and equipment are growing.
“We’re comfortable HSIC can report an in-line 3Q tomorrow, with modest upside potential to our +4% NA dental equipment growth projection; we’re incrementally positive on XRAY… and CAD/CAM competitors are proving increasingly legitimate,” the report says.
For more, read the full report “ADA Recap – Stable Markets, Growing CAD/CAM Options.”
Lauren Burns is the editor of Proofs magazine and the email newsletters RDH Graduate and Proofs. She is currently based out of New York City. Follow her on Twitter: @ellekeid.