By Tim D. Sands, DDS; Claudio Tocchio, DDS, MRCD(C); and Robert B. Givelas, BSc, DDS
mucosal incision There is no argument that recent innovations in the diagnosis and management of disease involve the application of technology. However, can some of the complementary technological advancements and gadgets that have become lifestyle necessities actually cause disease themselves? Blackberry thumb, iPad finger, and tech neck are becoming the common new ailments compromising our work, activities of daily living, and perhaps even our appearance. Smartphone face is the phenomenon that describes how sitting for hours with your head tipped forward staring at a smartphone, laptop or computer screen, will shorten the neck muscles and increase gravitational pull on the lower face and chin. This leads to submental fullness, double chin (buccula), facial sagging (jowls) and a recessive chin profile (microgenia). The development of the symptoms characterizing smartphone face can be attributed to genetics, the natural aging process and weight fluctuation; nevertheless, the explosion in the use of electronic gadgets has mirrored the rise in individuals seeking treatment of the chin. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons the number of chin augmentation surgeries performed in the United States increased over 70 percent in 2011. This increase is more than breast augmentation, botox and liposuction. With equal numbers of both men and women opting for the procedure, it makes chin augmentation the fastest growing plastic surgery trend. A trend that is expected to continue as facial aging may first appear in the chin and jaw line. The posting of pictures on Facebook and Instagram and the increasing prevalence of video chat technology, like Skype and FaceTime where perceived flaws are instantly captured for all to see, may be driving force behind the escalating numbers. Many people are seeking ways to improve their appearance, boost self-confidence and provide themselves any competitive advantage in the workplace.Click here to read the entire article.This article and photo originally appeared in the August 2013 issue of Oral Health and are with permission.