Seven hiring principles to follow as you build a great team

Aug. 10, 2009
No management function is more critical than hiring qualified and competent people, says authors Rebecca Boartfield and Tim Twigg.

By Rebecca Boartfield and Tim Twigg

No management function is more critical than hiring qualified and competent people. Dental school doesn't provide much help in this area and, as a result, this important task can seem overwhelming. By employing the following principles, you can build a great team and significantly reduce the emotional stress and financial impact associated with turnover.

Hiring Principle #1 -- Focus first on attitude and compatibility, or "fit," and secondly on skills and experience.

Hiring Principle #2 -- Provide up-to-date job descriptions. Defining job duties is essential to know what you’re looking for and to communicate expectations.

Hiring Principle #3 -- Hiring is a process of elimination. Screen all qualified applicants and quickly disqualify those that don’t show promise or potential.

Hiring Principle #4 -- Conduct an effective interview. Develop job-related and open-ended questions. At least 60%of the questions should be behavioral-based, and candidates should talk over 80%of the time.

Hiring Principle #5 -- Use online, job-matching assessments. The results reveal talents, attributes, or potential problems that may otherwise go undetected. Use only validated and approved assessments, such as the "Integrated Performance Management (IPM)" system, which has been validated for the dental profession.

Hiring Principle #6 -- Incorporate an appropriate skills assessment to simulate position-related duties -- be clear on the wage and hour requirements for your state. (Call our office for the Skills Assessment Interview Agreement, form #108.)

Hiring Principle #7 -- ALWAYS check references and perform background checks. This should not be considered optional. Often, just the knowledge that references and background checks maybe performed may discourage applicants with a questionable background from applying. Call our office and request a Reference Request Form.

Rebecca Boartfield is an HR Compliance Consultant, and Tim Twigg is the president of Bent Ericksen & Associates. For 29 years, the company has been a leading authority in human resources and personnel issues, helping dentists successfully deal with the ever-changing and complex labor laws. To receive a complimentary copy of the company’s quarterly newsletter or to learn more, contact them at (800) 679-2760 or at