Academy of Laser Dentistry announces call for abstracts 2004

Aug. 11, 2003
Call is for ALD's 11th Annual Conference and Exhibition titled, "Source 2004: Lasers in Dentistry" set for Palm Springs, Calif., from March 3-6, 2004.

The Academy of Laser Dentistry announces the official call for abstracts for the general scientific session and poster presentation session of the ALD's 11th Annual Conference and Exhibition titled, "Source 2004: Lasers in Dentistry" set for Palm Springs, Calif., from March 3-6, 2004. Abstracts are being sought in the areas of scientific research, clinical case studies, and related practice management. This is one of the most comprehensive scientific conferences in the world that concentrates on clinical and experimental uses of lasers in dentistry. Abstracts may be submitted for oral presentations, the how-to discussion sessions, two-hour presentations, posters, or table clinics. Submit in English as early as possible before the Sept. 15 deadline. Electronic abstract submission is required at the Academy's Web site --

Applicants may consider conducting a two-hour participation course on a topic of their choice for more in-depth study by conference registrants. A limited number of two-hour slots are available. A how-to discussion session and poster presentation session are also scheduled. It is recommended that applicants carefully follow the abstract guidelines. This conference will result in an editor-reviewed printed volume of abstracts.

All submissions will be reviewed by all members of the committee and the review is blind.