University launches laser training courses

April 6, 2006
BIOLASE University is a new Certification Training and Master Level education program for practicing laser dentists.

SAN CLEMENTE, California--BIOLASE Technology, Inc., a medical technology company that develops, manufactures and markets lasers and related products in dentistry and medicine, has announced the launch of BIOLASE University.

The "univeristy" is a new Certification Training and Master Level education program for practicing laser dentists.

BIOLASE University has worked closely with leading dental laser instructors to develop courses that optimize the learning process and help dentists transition to practicing laser-assisted dentistry.

The new programs will enable dentists to experience a state-of-the-art, hands-on training certification course from the leading clinical instructors learning the skills and techniques necessary to be successful with dental laser technology.

While BIOLASE University courses are open to all dentists, as part of BIOLASE's mandate, all new Waterlase and Waterlase MD dentists will attend the Company's Certification Training Course, which includes seven fundamental initial procedures that can be easily implemented into the dental practice. These procedures include: Laser treatment for Class I Cavity Prep, Class V Cavity Prep, Frenectom/Fiberotomy, Aphthous Ulcers, Gingivectomy, Endo Cleaning and Shaping, and Hard & Soft Tissue Crown Lengthening.

To provide "best practices" training experience, BIOLASE University has unified the various laser techniques on these procedures into a standardized curriculum. The curriculum topics range from formal hands-on training and laser energy to laser tip selection and maintenance, and "buttonology."

"The seven fundamental procedures is a tremendous concept that will allow dentists to return to their practices following Certification Training and treat patients with confidence," commented Dr. James Jesse, a BIOLASE University clinical instructor from Colton, Calif.

The training faculty consists of an experienced team of laser dentists that will be conducting BIOLASE University courses at high-tech dental training facilities around the country such as the IDEA Center in San Francisco, CA. The training courses can accommodate up to 20 students and feature the latest Waterlase MD laser systems. Most courses are scheduled for a two-day session over a weekend stay.

"The IDEA Center and other BIOLASE University sites are state-of-the-art training facilities, which is the best possible way to teach dentists one-on-one how to practice laser dentistry," commented Dr. Mark Colonna, a BIOLASE University instructor from Whitefish, MT. "At these unique training facilities we can meet the needs of today's marketplace."

BIOLASE University has also established Master Laser Courses (MLC) to address demands for advanced training in laser dentistry. The curriculum topics range from laser-assisted periodontics, endodontics and cosmetic dentistry to laser-assisted implant and pediatric dentistry. These courses will promote an ongoing learning experience for practicing laser dentists.

Course dates and registration can be located at a new Web site,