Treatment of snoring and sleep apnea using the TAP system
By Keith Thornton, DDS, and Rob Veis, DDS
Have you wondered why, all of a sudden, your dental patients are asking if there is something you can do to help them with their snoring? People who snore loudly and often may be accustomed to middle of the night elbow thrusts and lots of bad jokes. But snoring is no laughing matter.
Perhaps one in every 10 adults snores and although for most people snoring has no serious medical consequences, for an estimated one in 100 snorers, habitual snoring is the first indication of a potentially life threatening disorder called “Obstructive Sleep Apnea.”
Recent articles in the medical and dental literature have made it clear that, as a dentist, you can provide a role in the treatment of both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea through the use of oral appliances. In fact, in response to an overwhelming demand, more and more dentists are expanding their practices to treat sleep-disordered breathing.
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