Oral Cancer Foundation formed

Oct. 25, 2001
The Oral Cancer Foundation, a California-based non-profit entity, designed for education, support and advocacy, was established in July 2001, to reduce incidence, suffering and death due to oral cancer, and to assist patients and care givers who cope with it.

This year, 30,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer.� In five years, only half will be alive.� Survival rates have remained virtually unchanged for decades.� Oral cancer is more deadly than cervical cancer, skin cancer and many other higher-profile cancer types.

The Oral Cancer Foundation, a California-based non-profit entity, designed for� education, support and advocacy, was established in July 2001, to reduce incidence, suffering and death due to oral cancer, and to assist patients and care givers who cope with it.� The Foundation, established by Brian R. Hill, a successful 53-year-old businessman and oral cancer survivor, is committed to increasing public and professional awareness, prevention (keyed to� lifestyle changes), early detection, improved treatment, and research

"A principal goal of the Foundation," Hill says, "is to provide patient support.� At our web site, www.OralCancerFoundation.org, a Survivor/Patient Forum promotes interaction among individuals with oral cancer, friends and family members, care givers, survivors and others.� This message board and chat room encourage sharing of experiences and information, and provide inspiration from those who have traveled this path before.� As an oral cancer survivor, I know� you don't get through this disease alone."

The Foundation's web site also provides information about oral cancer, risk factors, treatment modalities, and other resources.� Membership is available to all who are concerned about this dangerous, but treatable disease.

The Foundation's Scientific Advisory Board includes many of the nation's leading cancer authorities:

Michael C. Alfano DMD., PhD

Dean, College of Dentistry, New York University

Kian Ang MD, PhD, Professor, Radiation Oncology

Gilbert H. Fletcher Chair, MD Anderson Cancer Center

David Callender MD, Senior VP, Chief of Medicine

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Alice M. Horowitz PhD, Senior Scientist

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

National Institutes of Health

Rhonda Jacob DDS, MS, Professor, Dental Oncology,

Maxillofacial Prosthetics, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Ole Jensen DDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Denver CO

Dennis H. Kraus MD, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Director, Speech and Hearing Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Robert A. Ord MD, DDS, Chief of the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Maryland Medical School

James J. Sciubba DMD, PhD, Professor of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Director, Oral and Dental Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Sol Silverman Jr. DDS, Professor of Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, School of Dentistry, University of California San Francisco

Healthcare professionals, particularly dentists and hygienists, are especially encouraged to join the Foundation.� Professional Membership includes a wall� certificate, "Oral cancer, what you need to know" waiting room brochures, dialogue buttons and access to professionals-only sections of the www.OralCancerFoundation.org web site.� Enrolled dentists will also be listed on the site's professional reference page.� Dentists are urged to provide a link from their web sites to the Oral Cancer Foundation's site, for the benefit of patients concerned about the disease.

The Oral Cancer Foundation is a non-profit, public service entity which is supported by private donations, professional memberships, corporate sponsorship, and governmental grants.� For details, visit www.OralCancerFoundation.org or call 949-646-8000.