Th 0709wdjeditors

Editor’s Note: [Know Your Numbers?]

Sept. 1, 2007
I cannot believe how quickly summer flies by. The long days and lush greenery give way to the beautiful colors of fall.

I cannot believe how quickly summer flies by. The long days and lush greenery give way to the beautiful colors of fall. Vacations and a more relaxed schedule give way to the hustle of starting school, dental checkups, and patients who need dentistry before the end of the year.

We have many things to balance, but we must focus on our personal health. In my Editor’s Note, I focus on responsibility. Our biggest is to ourselves. Those of us who are parents routinely take (or took) our children to the pediatrician. Some of us are caring for elderly relatives, taking them to their physicians, and being conduits of valuable health information. Do we visit our physicians with the same routine? Do you know your numbers?

September is National Cholesterol Education Month. This is a major health concern of women. High cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease and contribute to atherosclerosis. More women die of heart attacks and coronary artery disease than all cancers combined. Stroke is the third-leading cause of death among women. High cholesterol levels show no age, height, or weight predilection (although increased weight may be a contributing factor, it is not always the fact). There are no overt signs or symptoms of high cholesterol, therefore, routine blood tests are necessary to assess levels. In an upcoming issue of Woman Dentist Journal, I will discuss my “Who-me?” cholesterol issues. It was a life-altering experience.

When was the last time you had a checkup? We all find time to do things we want to do: shopping, saving for the future, finding the next perfect vacation destination. As dentists, we try to control our work environment so we are not surprised by something unexpected in treatment. We attempt to schedule our days to create the most professional and financial satisfaction. Please don’t let your health issues surprise you. As I have mentioned, many people count on us: patients, family, friends, and communities. We need to be good to ourselves. We need to get our own dental and medical evaluations. As oral health care professionals, we all agree on the value of regular dental examinations for our patients. Why would we settle for less for ourselves?

Next month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. WDJ is beginning a new tradition of spotlighting companies who think pink, in both product and promise. Several dental companies are donating part of their product sales to breast cancer causes.

Look for my October Simplify and support the companies who support research for one of women’s biggest health concerns.

Enjoy the bounty of the fall season. Appreciate the beauty and, for those of you who are lucky enough to be in an area of seasonal changes, enjoy the colors. Take time for yourself, and go check those numbers.

With warm regards,

Sheri B. Doniger, DDS

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Dr. Doniger is the editor of Woman Dentist Journal.
We welcome letters to the editor. Please e-mail your letters to Dr. Doniger at [email protected]. Include your name and the city and state where you practice.