AGD provides feedback on Team1500 press release

May 4, 2007
Response from Academy of General Dentistry is to April 17 Trust for Equal Access Medicine press release.

An organization called Trust for Equal Access Medicine (TEAM1500) released a Press Release on April 17, 2007, claiming support from the acting U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Kenneth P. Moritsugu, MD., by a letter from the Surgeon General to TEAM1500, dated April 5, 2007.

A careful reading of this organization's press release notes that the only quote cited from Dr. Moritsugu's letter, besides a restatement of the U. S. Surgeon General's official duties of his office, is, "I would like to convey my appreciation for TEAM 1500's dedication to making quality healthcare available to all Americans."

"The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) likewise is dedicated to making quality oral healthcare available to all Americans," says AGD President Bruce DeGinder, DDS, MAGD. "The AGD's core purpose is to advance the value and excellence of general dentistry. The AGD does this both through the promotion of life long learning and the lobbying of legislators on issues of importance in healthcare."

"We also strongly value working within organized dentistry," says Dr. DeGinder. "We believe, in conjunction with our core purpose, that appropriately trained general dentists should be able to practice sedation treatment modalities to the extent of their training."

The AGD was invited, as a community of interest, by the American Dental Association (ADA), to review and submit comments on the ADA's proposed amendments to that organization's sedation guidelines.

"We used the expertise of our Council on Dental Care, along with several general dentists who are experts in administering sedation, and submitted detailed, yet measured comments to the ADA," said AGD's Executive Director, Christie Tarantino, CAE. "We will continue to monitor the status of the ADA guidelines, as they progress through the ADA Board and House levels, and we will work to ensure that the perspective of the general dentist is heard, understood and properly considered."

During the AGD's Annual Meeting & Exhibits in San Diego this summer, the AGD will hold a town hall meeting specifically on the ADA sedation guidelines on Saturday, June 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Attendees will be able to hear a representative from ADA's Committee on Dental Education and Licensure (CDEL) provide the ADA's position and attendees will be able to hear AGD's position communicated by the AGD's representative. Following a 10-minute presentation by each of the aforementioned, attendees will be able to ask questions of both representatives or provide input on the guidelines. "If dentists would like sedation to be part of your practice, we are encouraging attendees not to miss this important forum," says Dr. DeGinder.

"In addition, we are urging all dentists to continue to work within organized dentistry in a measured, scientific and responsible fashion, to achieve the most beneficial results for all Americans," says Dr. DeGinder.

With the permission of the Office of the Surgeon General, the AGD has hereby reprinted on its Web site for its members, the U. S. Surgeon General's letter, in its entirety, to Mr. Rotbart of TEAM1500, on April 5, 2007. Visit Academy of General Dentistry.