Nov. 1, 2007
Welcome to the 2008 Buyer’s Guide! We’ve worked hard to make sure every piece of information your office needs is in this publication, and my hat goes off to Carroll Hull for her diligence and hard work in making this issue a reality.

Welcome to the 2008 Buyer’s Guide! We’ve worked hard to make sure every piece of information your office needs is in this publication, and my hat goes off to Carroll Hull for her diligence and hard work in making this issue a reality.

This issue also marks a transition in the life of Dental Office. When we launched the publication a year ago, we focused our editorial on the dental assistant. Believe me when I say that there is no group that is more underappreciated or underutilized than the dental assistant. Over the last few years, promoting the importance of the dental assistant has become a personal crusade for me. I want to see dental assisting become an esteemed profession, and one where the assistants are recognized by dental companies and within the office for the hard work they do.

OK, now I’m off my soapbox and back on the ground. How important are dental assistants to PennWell and to Dental Office? Well, we’ve decided to focus on the assistants on a monthly basis, rather than just five times a year. In order to do that, we are building an electronic monthly journal that will be sent to dental assistants, helping them become better in their profession and more passionate about what they do. If you’re a dental assistant, I encourage you to sign up for this e-newsletter by dropping me an email at [email protected]. The first electronic newsletter will hit your inbox in January, and it has the full support of DANB and ADAA (I want to personally thank these two outstanding organizations for all of their support).

I’m looking forward to the changes, but there are some things that won’t change. Professional Dental Assisting will be held April 24-26 in Norfolk, Va. We have some great speakers and instructors lined up. Dr. Rhonda Savage will open the conference with a keynote address, and I’m thrilled to have Linda Miles as our closing speaker. PDA will offer tracks for front-office assistants and office managers, clinical assistants, assistants specializing in orthodontics, and assistants specializing in implants. For more information and/or to register, log on to www.professionaldentalassisting.com.

Read on, this is your magazine...

Kevin Henry