Carson Undersizedteethandorthodontics

Undersized teeth and orthodontics

March 18, 2014
Dr. John R. Carson discusses a simple yet effective way to make cases that involve teeth of reduced size and orthodontics much more predictable. Usually the reasons for cases like these are pathologic wear or developmental issues such as peg laterals.
Used with permission from Spear Education. In this article I’ll discuss a simple yet effective way to make your cases that involve teeth of reduced size and orthodontics much more predictable. Usually the reasons for cases like these are pathologic wear or developmental issues such as peg laterals.ADDITIONAL READING |Conventional orthodontics vs. Invisalign One way that really hurts the predictability of these cases is to ask the orthodontist on your team to suspend the teeth of decreased size. They are floating in space perfectly positioned in the right position for the restoring dentist to then restore the teeth back to the proper size.
At first, this might seem reasonable and maybe even simple; however, what seems simple and reasonable at first is anything but.READ THE FULL ARTICLE FROM SPEAR EDUCATION.