If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

March 23, 2007
Why wouldn't you be a finalist in the 2007 Healthy Gums. Healthy Life. Award of Distinction?

By Kristine Hodsdon, RDH, BS

I listen again to the speech that won Edward Tate the coveted Toastmasters' International 2002 World Championship of Public Speaking award. One of his themes parallel why all hygienists should enter the 2007 Healthy Gums. Healthy Life. Award of Distinction. The theme is:

If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

Some of us have continually observed terrified children who cling to parents and refuse to open their mouths, no matter what treasure is promised. How about the periodontal patient whose breath we can smell from the reception room? We know it's going to be one of those appointments.

On the other hand, some of us volunteer our time to provide oral hygiene care across the oceans, or across town lines, to the underserved. And some readers are the consummate educators, teaching and inspiring the students of hygiene, who are ultimately the future of our profession.

Some of us are, or know, a hygienist who perseveres day after day with integrity and pride. These dental hygienists are committed to oral health and the overall health of their patients and their community.

I ask the readers of the RDH eVillage when is it a good time to be recognized for your efforts? When is it a good time for you to assist in the recognition of a fellow professional?

This is the sixth year of the Healthy Gums. Healthy Life. Award of Distinction. It is a time when the best of our dental hygiene best are honored and treated as the elite within the profession.

The deadline for the 2007 award is March 31, 2007, just eight days away. I encourage all of my readers to take just a few minutes to complete your entry for this year's program. It is easy, just click here.

The link for the nomination form is about halfway down the home page of the RDH magazine Web site. The link is clearly visible where the Sunstar and RDH magazine logos appear.

If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

Kristine A. Hodsdon, RDH, BS
Director, RDH eVillage