By the time 12-year-old Deamonte Driver's toothache got any attention, bacteria from an abscess had spread to his brain, doctors said. After two operations and more than six weeks of hospital care, the boy died. View story here.
So much for the myth that dental disease is not life threatening.
This is why the National Children's Oral Health Foundation has been founded with the singular focus of providing direct comprehensive restorative, preventive, and educational services to eliminate the number one chronic childhood illness in America — pediatric dental disease. What a shame that this young boy and many other children have died prior to our goal being accomplished. In fact, there are an estimated 4 to 5 million children in the United States with dental pain so severe that it impacts their ability to eat, sleep, and learn!
We hope that if you have not committed yourself to the NCOHF mission, you will do it now.
Visit NCOHF to learn more about how you can help. Thank you to our corporate underwriters � Kerr/Sybron, Discus, 3M ESPE, Patterson, DENTSPLY, Ultradent, Heraeus, and Biolase � and to our growing number of other generous corporate supporters. NCOHF Chairman Dr. Cherilyn Sheets, Dr. Ron Goldstein, Dr. Peter Dawson, Dr. Chet Douglas, Dr. Buddy Mopper, Dr. Joseph Greenberg, and many other generous individuals have joined The Million Smiles Club demonstrating strong individual financial commitment to this effort. We need 100 individuals to give $10,000 to make the Million Smiles Club.
With more than 50 affiliates in process, including 16 university dental schools and their satellites, NCOHF is on its way to creating a powerful network of exemplary nonprofit and university pediatric clinics. In addition to supporting delivery of the best-integrated oral health care for underserved children, we will establish an emergency fund for rapid response to these types of urgent needs. We look forward to continuing our work with caring individuals, industry leaders, national service and professional organizations, universities, and others. Please join us! Together, we can deliver the comprehensive care and education necessary to eliminate debilitating pain and suffering.
We must rescue these children from the terrible negative health, economic, and social consequences of untreated pediatric oral disease. Please contact us by e-mail at NCOHF or call (704) 350-1600.
However you chose to help, make sure that this terrible tragedy doesn't happen to another child in this country on our watch!
With great appreciation,
Fern Ingber
President & CEO
National Children's Oral Health Foundation
1207 Belgrave Place
Charlotte, NC 28203
p 704-350-1600
f 704-350-1333
...because every child deserves a healthy smile!