OXNARD, California--DUX Dental has announced that the company's online dental organization calculator is live. To read more about DUX Dental, go to DUX Dental.The new calculator sets out to demystify the office organization process and answer questions heard every day from dental professionals such as “Do I need that?”, “Will I be able to set-up myself?”, and “Am I in compliance?” Office organization can be confusing and overwhelming and dental professionals struggle with understanding what they need to order and why when organizing their office with trays, tubs, bur blocks, and mirrors. By answering just a few simple questions about the office, the calculator will deliver a summary recommendation of what your office should consider and the rationale behind that recommendation. Visit www.duxdental.com/calculator to start organizing today. For more information, visit www.duxdental.com.To comment on this product, go to community.pennwelldentalgroup.com/.