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A needle-free dental anesthetic may be on the market soon

Sept. 4, 2012
St. Renatus has announced the beginning of the end of their clinical trials for a needle-free anesthetic.

September 4, 2012

St. Renatus has announced the beginning of the end of their clinical trials for a needle-free anesthetic. The anesthetic, given in the form of a nasal mist, is designed to provide patients with a more pleasant dental experience and circumvent the “uncomfortable cheek or ‘fat lip’ numbness associated with the needle,” according to a recent press release. The anesthetic has undergone tests of safety and functionality on a total of 380 patients and the Adult Phase 3 clinical trials should be completed by the end of 2012. “Our team is very excited to have launched our Phase 3 FDA clinical trials! We have had years of dedication and preparation to launch these final FDA trials at several sites over the next few months,” said Jill Shoemaker, VP of Investment Relations at St. Renatus. Founded to develop the world’s first needle-free dental anesthetic, St. Renatus hopes to have approval from the FDA sometime in 2013.