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Keller Laboratories introduces metal-free partials

June 15, 2010
ClearFrame™ partials replace the chrome cobalt frames of traditional cast partials with a clear, semi-rigid nylon frame.
ClearFrame™ partials from Keller Laboratories replace the chrome cobalt frames of traditional cast partials with a clear semi-rigid nylon frame. Rest seats provide the partial with vertical stability without compromising lifelike esthetics.ClearFrame is made from injection-molded material. The clasps work in the same manner as they do on metal framework, engaging undercut on the buccal or labial of the patient’s natural teeth. This esthetic denture is indicated for most partial applications., including most cast partial indications, long and free end saddles, flat ridges, and few remaining teeth.For more information on Keller Laboratories, call (800) 325-3056 or visit read more about Keller Labs, go to Keller Labs.To comment on this product, go to