ROCK HILL, South Carolina---The KOMET H1SM operative bur features an ultra-slim neck that enhances visualization of the cavity during excavating procedures.To read more about KOMET, go to KOMET.The carbide’s straight-line, slim neck permits precise placement, access, and visualization deep into the cavity to help maximize clinical control and treatment effectiveness.The KOMET H1SM instrument incorporates a rounded head configuration and a symmetrical blade arrangement that help provide high-efficiency cutting of tooth material. It is offered in six head diameters: 0.10 mm, 0.12 mm, 0.14 mm, 0.16 mm, 0.18 mm, 0.21 mm, and 0.23 mm. The friction-grip version (H1SM.314) is available in the 0.14-mm-diameter size while right-angle surgical lengths (H1SM.205) are provided in 0.10-mm., 0.14-mm, 0.18-mm, and 0.23-mm sizes.A special round Endo Bur H1SML is designed with a long, slim neck and has been developed for endodontic procedures. It is now available in five diameters: 0.06 mm, 0.08 mm, 0.10 mm, 0.12 mm ,and 0.14 mm with right-angle surgical length attachment (H1SML.205). The H1SML bur is suitable for isthmus preparations. Contact KOMET USA at (888) 566-3887 or log on to
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