New DVD series includes two-part clinical presentation

Aug. 26, 2009
Glidewell Laboratories presents "My First Implant" and "Vivaneers No-Prep Veneers Utilizing Minor Orthodontic Procedures."

Have you been reluctant to surgically place an implant for fear of drilling into a maxillary sinus or mandibular nerve? Ever had a patient present with a crossbite so severe that the only remedy for potential esthetics is minor orthodontics using a fixed removable appliance?

Glidewell Laboratories presents "My First Implant" and "Vivaneers No-Prep Veneers Utilizing Minor Orthodontic Procedures," a two-part clinical presentation in which these clinical situations are chronicled.

"My First Implant" (Part 1): From diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical placement, watch as Dr. Michael DiTolla places his first implant. Like many dentists, Dr. DiTolla had to push his qualms aside to treat this case with confidence. Watch this clinical presentation to learn the advantages of inclusive digital treatment planning, which includes the use of surgical guides and stents for successful implantation.

In addition to introducing you to Glidewell's inclusive digital treatment planning services, this presentation highlights the difference in quality of 3-D digital X-rays vs. traditional Panorex, discusses the qualifications of the ideal implant candidate when grafting is not desired, and chronicles Dr. DiTolla's first surgical implant case step-by-step.

"Vivaneers No-Prep Veneers Utilizing Minor Orthodontic Procedures" (Part 2): This clinical presentation addresses the correction of a severe crossbite for the placement of no-prep veneers. With the help of an appliance from Space Maintainers Laboratory, Dr. DiTolla performs minor orthodontics to bring teeth into a Class I relationship so that gingival recontouring may be performed and Vivaneers No-Prep Veneers be placed.

This clinical presentation is intended for those who wish to surgically place implants, perform minor orthodontics, or place no-prep veneers.

For more information on inclusive digital treatment planning, call (866) 497-3692.

To view this clinical presentation, log on to Glidewell Laboratories or call (800) 854-7256 to request a free copy.

To read more about Glidewell Labs, go to Glidewell Laboratories.

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