Solvent-free bonding agent available for direct composite bonding

Oct. 10, 2009
Adhesive forms an interactive bond between the minerals of the tooth structure and the resins of the bonding agent without the use of acetone, water, or alcohol.

Pentron Clinical Technologies has introduced Bond-1 SF Solvent Free SE Adhesive.

The adhesive is a solvent-free, self-etch, light-cure, one-coat, bonding agent for direct composite bonding needs.

Pentron Clinical Technologies has removed the solvent while preserving the high bond strengths associated with conventional bonding agents. Removing the solvent from the product not only addresses common technique issues, such as over- or under-drying, but also facilitates the restoration of teeth faster by requiring only a one-coat application.

Bond-1 SF forms an interactive bond between the minerals of the tooth structure and the resins of the bonding agent without the use of acetone, water, or alcohol.

"We didn't feel the immediate need to assign a generation to this new bonding agent, as we feel this product is in a league of its own and makes the practice of referring to bonding agents with generations obsolete," said Adrienne Collins, Pentron Clinical Technologies product manager.

Bond-1 SF Solvent Free SE Adhesive is available in two delivery systems. The syringe offers flocked needle tips that facilitate direct placement into the prep while the free-standing single dose helps ensure infection control.

For more information visit the company's Web site at Pentron Clinical, or call (203) 265-7397.

To read more about Pentron Clinical, go to Pentron Clinical.

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