New cushion promotes back health

Feb. 3, 2010
Stretchsit Cushion supports the back in sitting environments and helps allay spinal pressure to give improved posture support.

SAN JOSE, California--An estimated 90% of the American adult population experiences back problems at some time in their lives.

More alarming, studies show that back pain is now the leading cause of disability among people under the age of 45.

Much of our back pain is related to modern lifestyles that place our spine in unnatural positions for long periods of time such as when driving, flying, sitting at a computer, or watching TV.

Technologies, such as the Stretchsit Cushion, can help reverse this trend. The portable ergonomic device supports the back in sitting environments and helps allay spinal pressure to give improved posture support. Stretchsit lets the body heal spontaneously by realigning the spine to its natural design.

The Stretchsit cushion straps onto chairs and seats and helps make sitting, therapeutic. Stretchsit is lightweight, portable, and easy to use.

According to Esther Gokhale, "I created the Stretchsit Cushion because I saw there was a real demand for a product like this. Americans are now working longer hours than ever before and traveling more. The Stretchsit is a simple and easy way to provide all-day pain relief."

According to Deidre Stegman, MD, "Stretchsit is fantastic. There is nothing in the stores that works the same way."

The Stretchsit cushion is available at from the Esther Gokhale Wellness Center in Palo Alto, Calif. by calling (650) 324-3244. Cost is $49.95.

More information can be seen at Stretchsit Cushion.

To read more about ergonomics, go to ergonomics.

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