Sixteen individuals recently completed "Cercon - Master Esthetics and Complex Case Design," DENTSPLY Prosthetics - Ceramco's two-day, master's level course conducted at the company's Technical Education Center (TEC) at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI), Las Vegas, NV.
This hands-on course is designed for individuals who would like to take their Cercon restorations to the next level. Complex case designs are discussed, analyzed, and completed. Participants bring an actual case with them to this course. Advanced instruction on the porcelain application is also demonstrated.
Completing the course were Sandra Guith, Daniel J. Smith, Sarah Perez, Steve Baber, Mario deLeon, Alfredo Talamandes, Brad Neal, Joe Forte, Mitchel Clark, Junboum Kang, Kellie Kaldveer, Madalena Pires, Jon Davis Ann Lovell Luke Caruso, and Ruben Chavarria.
Ceramco conducts classes at LVI and at its Burlington, NJ, Technical Education Center throughout the year. The TEC curriculum features in-depth training on these and other quality Ceramco products: CERCON® Zirconia All-Ceramic System, Finesse® All-Ceramic, Cristobal®+ Indirect composite, and Ceramco® 3 Porcelain.
For more information regarding course content and registration, please contact Ms. Toni Testa at Dentsply Ceramco, (800) 487-0100, ext. 6040 or visit