Varicose vein procedure explained to consumers

June 7, 2001
New York Times article describes minimally invasive medical procedure

Andover, MA - A recent New York Times article features a new minimally invasive medical procedure developed by, Robert Min, MD of Cornell Vascular, New York, NY for treating varicose veins, using a diode laser supplied by Diomed, Inc. of Andover, MA. The paper is quoted as saying "Dr. Min's new laser procedure is one of two recently developed procedures that appear to give good results with short recovery time."

Min�s EndoVenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) applies heat through a fine optical laser fiber to heat and close the vein that causes varicose veins. Initial patient results are very encouraging with success rates of around 95%. There is no scarring and patients report minimal or no pain during the procedure. Patients return to normal activities almost immediately after the treatment. EVLT is currently proceeding through the clinical study process under Diomed Inc�s supervision.

"Our (sic) early experience with endovenous laser for the treatment of varicose veins has been very favorable," said Dr. Min. "This minimally invasive technique is performed under strictly local anesthesia in the office."

The paper quoted Dr. Victoria Marx as saying, "What makes these treatments so exciting is their potential to be as effective as surgery with a lot less down time and risk to the patient." Dr. Marx is an associate professor in the department of radiology at the University of Southern California Medical Center in Los Angeles. "I think anyone who treats varicose veins will be enthusiastic about the concept of closing the vein from the inside out."

The paper interviewed several patients, including Esther Paige who said the idea of surgery was daunting, but she did have the laser treatment performed.

"I hated wearing a bathing suit," said Ms. Paige. The paper quoted Ms. Paige as saying, "There's no pain now. And my legs are beautiful - they look like they did when I was a 16-year-old."

The article appeared in the May 8 edition of the New York Times.