Aug. 25, 2011
EXAFAST is a fast-setting VPS impression material developed for improved accuracy, increased productivity, and patient comfort.
ALSIP, Illinois--GC America has announced launch of EXAFAST Value Pack. EXAFAST is a fast-setting VPS impression material developed for improved accuracy, increased productivity, and patient comfort EXAFAST Value Pack:* Is convenient and easy to extrude* Has desirable handling* produces crisp, smooth, and precise impressions in less timeEXAFAST Value Packs contain eight individual cartridges and 24 mixing tips (48mL).EXAFAST – Heavy Body (SKU 137030)EXAFAST – Injection (SKU 137035)EXAFAST – Regular (SKU 137040)EXAFAST – Monophase (SKU 137045)GC America launches EQUIA Fil, EQUIA CoatFor more information, visti www.gcamerica.com.To comment on this product, go to community.pennwelldentalgroup.com/.