"Yes, I floss every day." How many dental professionals have heard their patients profess this with a smile, unable to look the dentist or hygienist in the eye, as their gums bleed heavily during a routine check-up? A good guess is ... every single one.
Flossolution® has addressed this age-old dilemma by launching its first two products with Flossguard® Technology — the Flossolution 500 Series and Flossolution Lite. Invented by Orlando-based dentist and Flossolution founder Dr. Tim Pruett, Flossolution’s products are the first of their kind on the market, and they tackle the challenges of everyday flossing by providing an easier, painless, and more effective way to floss and brush teeth.
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Awesome Dental Floss adds comfort to flossing
The Flossguard safely protects gums from flossing trauma by controlling the depth the floss can travel as it moves between tooth and gum. The Bite Bumper acts as a soft pad for opposing teeth allowing for gentle biting pressure to be applied during flossing. Flossolution products also feature tension-free flossers which increase functional effectiveness and safety while flossing.
In addition to their flossing capabilities, both the Flossolution 500 Series and Flossolution Lite feature Brush attachments to replace the Floss attachments, making it easy to go from flossing to brushing. The Brusharms are designed to prevent what Dr. Pruett calls the second biggest problem in preventative dentistry today, toothbrush abrasion, by utilizing soft bristles and handles that promote gentle brushing techniques.
For more information on Flossolution products or to purchase one, visit www.flossolution.com.