Th 0610wdj Simplify01


Oct. 1, 2006
This is what we all strive to do. This is a column created to embody a hands-on approach toward user-frien­dly solutions for our lives.


This is what we all strive to do. This is a column created to embody a hands-on approach toward user-frien­dly solutions for our lives. Each month I discuss concepts relating to woman dentists, their lives, and their work. I focus on alternative dental products, Web sites, books, concepts, and organizations that simplify our world.

MK II Dispenser


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Coltène Whaledent, Inc. created a lightweight, ergonomic dispenser that can be used easily with several of their products, including the new AFFINIS VPS Impression line and JET BLUE BITE VPS ­registration ­material. This multifunctional ­dispenser is smaller and easily manipulated, even with a full cartridge of ­material. The dispenser holds 25 mL cartridges. We found the whole line of AFFINIS VPS Impression material, which uses this dispenser, to be superior to others we have tried. For more information, call Coltène Whaledent at (800) 221-3046 or visit their Web site.

AcquaSeal Benz


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A dual-purpose desentisitizing agent that doesn’t irritate the ­tissue, ­AcquaSeal Benz may be used ­under restorative ­procedures, ­including composites and ­final crown ­placement to gingival ­erosion areas. Dispense it chairside to ­eliminate postoperative sensitivity under ­restorations. AcquaSeal Benz ­contains benzalkonium chloride in addition to fluoride and HEMA. It comes in a bottle dispenser for ­treatment under restoratives, and swab delivery may be applied ­chairside or sent home with patients. Call AcquaMed Technologies at (800) 504-8039 or visit the Web site.

Open Table


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This is the best thing that ever ­happened to the concierge in me! This Web site allows you to make online reservations at 5,000 ­restaurants in the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. All you need to hold a ­reservation is to sign up - for free. Each time you make and keep a reservation, you receive 100 ­“dining points.” The points total up to ­“dining dollars” to use at any Open Table restaurant. The Web site also keeps track of your favorite ­dining ­locations. It’s so simple. To get started, visit