Micro prep instruments for minimally invasive preparations in microdentistry debut

June 26, 2007
KOMET USA now offers uniquely designed tools for every step in micro preparation--each tool intended for the gentle preservation of the tooth structure.

ROCK HILL, South Carolina--KOMET USA, a leader in the production of precision rotary instruments for the dental industry, recently introduced a family of Micro Prep Instruments.

These are highly specialized rotary instruments designed specifically for minimally invasive, precise, and safe preparations in microdentistry.

KOMET USA now offers uniquely designed tools for every step in micro preparation--each tool intended for the gentle preservation of the tooth structure.

KOMET's Micro Prep Instruments feature long, slender necks made of high-tensile steel, ideal for such applications as restorations and the excavation of large carious lesions in the dentin. KOMET also offers a choice of diamond and tungsten carbide instruments for micro preparations.

For example, the treatment of fissure caries or the opening of deeper embedded cavities are efficiently treated with KOMET's diamond instruments. But, for other applications, KOMET's tungsten carbide instruments, featuring small working parts, filigree shapes and slender necks, ensure optimal visibility during preparation.

These instruments, available in pear or round shape, feature high cutting efficiency for removing decayed dentin quickly and safely, without excessive heat generation, resulting in smoother surfaces and minimal clogging.

KOMET's Micro Prep instruments are also ideal for the precise shaping of cavities and cavity margins, while conserving as much sound dental substance as possible.

The instruments are best suited for treating fissure caries and for opening larger, deeply embedded defects, and they are equally suited for more complicated preparations, such as the bevelling of cavity margins in the proximal area.

For more information about KOMET USA and Mirco Prep Instruments, or for sales, contact the company at (800) 208-1630 or via the internet at KOMET USA.