On the MARC: an amazing device I tried in Chicago

March 21, 2011
DAD Editor Kevin Henry tells you how a Managing Accurate Resin Curing device he saw at the recent Chicago Midwinter Meeting can make a difference in the way you cure.

By Kevin Henry, Editor

Recently at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting, I was introduced to MARC. Now MARC is not a person, but rather a Managing Accurate Resin Curing device that was present at the Ultradent booth. It was fascinating to me to see how, without the proper curing technique thanks to distractions, etc., problems can occur for the patient.

I tried my hand at it, and did OK the first time. The second time, when focusing, I did much better.

What’s the bottom line for you as a dental assistant? Sometimes you can be distracted, even when you don’t know you’re being distracted. Take a look at the video (within the article from the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association) and accompanying material from Ultradent to learn more about MARC and how it could make a difference in the way you cure.

So what’s the downside of MARC? It may be difficult to get MARC into the average dental office as each unit is approximately $10,000. However, the lesson of focusing during those crucial seconds of curing can make all the difference.