The top 10 Dental Assisting Digest articles from 2010

Dec. 14, 2010

By Kevin Henry, Editor, Dental Assisting Digest

Make no mistake about it ... I think every article in Dental Assisting Digest is an award-winner (yes, I know I'm biased, but I do believe that). Throughout 2010, however, 10 articles rose to the top in my mind. You'll find those articles below. I hope you enjoy reading them, and I thank the great authors who penned them for me this year.

Read on...

Times are tough … no raises this year

A raise, in these hard times? Are you kidding?

Tips for making performance evaluations a positive experience

How to cope with a difficult coworker

10 things you wish your dentist knew

How to talk to patients: Solutions to four common mistakes

Uncovering the myths of the bonus system

Fired up about Facebook … or fired?

The best and worst places to be a dental assistant

Final results of the DAD salary survey