DANB Resources to Identify Career Opportunities

July 19, 2010
As a dental assistant, there are many exciting career opportunities that you can pursue. The Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) offers helpful resources.

As a dental assistant, there are many exciting career opportunities that you can pursue. Depending on the state in which you work, you may be able to perform expanded duties or additional tasks. In order to find out what opportunities are available, you should become familiar with your state’s dental practice act and rules and regulations related to dental assisting duties and requirements.

Each state has different regulations regarding the duties that are delegable to dental assistants, and the education or exam requirements that must be met to perform those duties. DANB exams are recognized or required to perform dental assisting functions in 37 states, plus the District of Columbia, the U.S. Air Force and the Veterans Administration. In many states, DANB Certification is one way, or in some cases the only way, to qualify to perform expanded functions or expose radiographs. Additionally, being a national certification, earning and maintaining DANB Certification makes state-to-state job relocation easier.

State-Specific Information Online
As a resource to dental professionals, DANB compiles information from state dental practice acts, rules and regulations into easy-to-use charts and summaries. These resources provide a comprehensive guide to dental assisting rules and regulations in each state, to help you to comply with the law. In addition, they are a valuable tool to dental professionals looking to further their careers.

View State-Specific Information on DANB’s Web site

You will see links to each state dental board’s website in this part of DANB’s website. DANB does its best to keep this state-specific information current on the DANB website. Please contact your state dental board with any questions about dental assisting duties and requirements in your state.

State-Specific Information in Print
DANB also compiles the charts and summaries of state requirements for all 50 states into printed publications: DANB’s 2010 State Fact Booklet and DANB’s 2010 Career Ladder Templates for Dental Assistants.

DANB’s 2010 State Fact Booklet provides current state requirements and excerpts from State Practice Acts related specifically to the dental assistant, as well as State Board of Dentistry contact information, accepted/required DANB exams, the number of assistants holding DANB Certification or other DANB certificates of competency in that state, comparative salary information, general information on expanded functions and radiography requirements, and a list of Commission on Dental Accreditation-accredited dental assisting programs.

DANB’s 2010 Career Ladder Templates for Dental Assistants outlines the career ladder opportunities for dental assistants in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, including lists of the dental assisting duties allowed in each state and any education, experience, examination, and/or certification requirements to perform these functions.

Publication order forms can be downloaded at www.danb.org.