ELMSFORD, New York--Dent‐X has announced version 2.1 of EVAsoft, a proprietary dental imaging software.
To read more about Dent-X, go to Dent-X.
EVAsoft, developed domestically by Dent‐X engineers, functions as the driving software behind the EVA Digital X‐Ray sensor.
Dent‐X has gathered information from existing EVAsoft customers in order to provide a functional, intuitive software for dental image acquisition. Among the latest revisions includes the ability to customize preset image filters so that each computer acquires images with the same initial filters applied to each X‐ray. The doctor or technician would view an image prior to the EVAsoft installation and determine how he or she prefers the images to view.
These customizations would then be loaded at installation and acquired images would have these initial settings. This eliminates the need for numerous customizations at each acquisition. Though the settings are set at installation, they can be changed globally as needed. Customization can subsequently be made to individual images when desired.
EVAsoft comes with unlimited licenses and free lifetime technical support.
For more information visit www.ImageWorksCorporation.com/dental or call (914) 592‐6100.
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