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Dear Boss: Your selfishness is exhausting

Feb. 9, 2021
The office manager in this month's installment of Dear Boss has had it up to here with her boss's demanding-yet-thankless attitude. Good employees can only work so hard and sacrifice so much without a raise or at least a kind word.

The Dental Office Manager Digest column “Dear Boss” is designed for office managers to be able to speak their minds by anonymously writing a “letter” to their boss. Send your letters to [email protected]. Depending on how many are received, your letter may take a while to appear in DOMD.

Dear Boss,

As much as I am grateful for having a job, especially during such trying times, I can’t help but ask myself why I have stayed at this office for as long as I have. I work long hours, cover the front desk whenever necessary (which is very often due to the many faces that have come and gone in the past six years), am on-call day and night for emergency patients and last-minute requests, and have had little to no pay increase since I started five years ago!

I barely take time off or vacation days, and whenever requested there is always an issue. I often feel as though the only person who can take a vacation is you, which is infuriating. Staff is intimidated to ask for vacation days that they worked for because every time it’s brought up, we are met with attitude or negative comments.

I’d like to say that the pay, vacation time, or even the lack of benefits was the biggest and most frustrating issue I had to deal with in this practice, but unfortunately the most upsetting thing has been your lack of appreciation for how much hard work I put in. Your narcissism has led to an overall morale decline within the office. We have received no Christmas bonuses for the past two years, or even a “thank you” after a busy day of patients. You are the leader and what you do and say affects the entire office.

This needs to change!


About to jump ship

Do you want to write a "letter" to your boss? Send it to [email protected] and watch for your letter to appear anonymously on DentistryIQ. To read past articles, visit DentistryIQ and search for "Dear Boss."