Th 0606wdj Chron02

Member Spotlight

Sept. 1, 2006
Five questions, five answers from women who make a difference

Five questions, five answers from women who make a difference

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Who do you credit as your mentor? I have been fortunate to have had, and still have, many mentors. I would have to say that my mother and grandmother would be among my first mentors - amazing women. In addition, mentors during my early professional years include Drs. Anthony Jong, Lireka Joseph, Rudy Micik, Jens Pindborg, and Lois Cohen. I also am inspired and learn much from my daughters, husband, and those just entering the profession.

What is your greatest strength and worst weakness? How have they helped you? My greatest strength is passion for the public’s health - and this also is my worst weakness.

If you were to create a book liner jacket for yourself, what would you write? She serves the public through her work in research and health policy. She and her husband, Joel, a schizophrenia researcher, have two daughters and enjoy all that Washington, D.C. has to offer.

What three words describe you? Optimistic, inclusive, and persistent.

What is your message to dentists of the future? Get involved! The public and the profession needs your special ingenuity, energy, and expertise. Get involved at all levels of society and be a role model for women and dental professionals. Your leadership is needed to ensure that everyone has access to and receives optimum oral health.