North Dakota

North Dakota sees increase in dentists

Sept. 30, 2013
State is happy to see numbers rising

North Dakota has seen a steady increase in dentists in the past few years, including in the Bismarck area.

There are just shy of 400 dentists practicing in the state now, according to the North Dakota Board of Dental Examiners.

It compares with 320 five years ago.

The membership in the North Dakota Dental Association has increased by 20 percent over the past 10 years, which is pretty dramatic, said Joseph Cichy, the association executive director. The increase in the past few years has been particularly notable, he said.

Sixty-nine dentists are licensed in Bismarck. The board doesn't keep track of the increase from year to year in specific cities, but, anecdotally, it has seen a rise in license applications for the bigger cities like Fargo and Bismarck and in places like Williston, Dickinson and Minot, said Jacinda Simmons, who works at the board.

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