MECHANICSBURG, Pennsylvania--Greg Thayer, CDT, FICOI, president of Thayer Dental Laboratory, has announced that the company set a new sales record in 2010. To read more about dental labs, go to dental labs.The sales record surpassed the previous sales record from 2006, and is the highest sales achieved in the laboratory’s 34-year history. The laboratory has not raised prices in four years.Thayer said that the main focus of the laboratory, a Certified Dental Laboratory, in 2010 was restoring cases quicker, cheaper, and faster. With the help of five scanning systems, two milling systems and a wax printer, the technicians and 10 CDTs achieved a record. Thayer said, “CAD/CAM technology has allowed our staff of highly trained technicians to grow our laboratory business without hiring additional employees.” Thayer is hoping that, “we are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, and the dental laboratory industry will start back on positive growth for 2011.”For more information, go to comment on this topic, go to