Looking for your nominations for the top 11 dental industry people of 2011

Oct. 17, 2011

By Kevin Henry
Editor, Proofs

One of my big projects currently underway is deciding the top 11 people of the dental industry for 2011. This is where I need your help. I want to know who YOU think made a positive difference for our industry this year. Who made our industry better in 2011? This certainly doesn’t have to be the company president or boss. I’m looking for anyone and everyone that is worthy of being acknowledged. I’ve set up a page where you can anonymously submit your nomination. You can click here to nominate someone. Just tell me who you’re nominating, where he or she works, and why he or she should be one of the top 11. It’s that simple. We’ll be honoring this year’s top 11 in a future print and electronic edition of Proofs, so take a few moments and let me know your selections today.

Click here to submit your nomination.