Cosmedent makes dontation

April 18, 2011
Three product donations from Cosmedent have provided materials that will be used by 21 nonprofit affiliates of the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s Toothfairy.

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina--Three product donations from Cosmedent have provided materials that will be used by 21 nonprofit affiliates of the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s Toothfairy® (NCOHF) to deliver dental care to thousands of children who would otherwise be unable to receive treatment.

To read more about Cosmedent, go to Cosmedent.

“We at Cosmedent consider it a privilege to contribute to NCOHF,” commented Michael O’Malley, president of Cosmedent. "It is an organization that delivers what it promises to its affiliates and the children they serve,

The donations, totaling more than $145,000 in Renamel Nano, Flowable Microfill and Renamel Microhybrid products will help benefit the NCOHF: America’s Toothfairy oral health programs for at-risk children. With donations to the nation’s largest charities falling 11% last year and needs escalating due to the challenging economic climate, contributions of supplies and financial gifts are very important.

“Cosmedent’s commitment to saving children from the devastating effects of pediatric dental disease has been demonstrated through their continued support of NCOHF: America’s Toothfairy with valuable product donations,” said Fern Ingber, NCOHF president and CEO. “Their generosity will provide our affiliates with the materials they need to provide treatment and end unnecessary suffering of children in our communities.”

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