OHA Gala

Feb. 7, 2011
Gala set for Feb. 23, 2011, at Stanley Field Hall in Chicago's Field Museum.

CHICAGO, Illinois--Oral Health America will sponsor the 21st Annual Gala & Benefit Feb. 23, 2011, at Stanley Field Hall in Chicago's Field Museum.

To read more about OHA, go to OHA.

Gala attendees will mingle and dine amid the hall's latest exhibit: The History of Gold.Tickets can be purchased at oralhealthamerica.org.

In addition to the architecture, food, wine, and music, OHA will feature a "fun"raiser charity auction. While the auction is accessible to all, those technologically savvy guest can put smart phones and electronic touch pads into play with OHA's new auction platform.

Some notable items on which anyone can bid (with or without their smart phone) include golf packages, advertising space in major dental publications, and a ring raffle.

For additional information, contact Joe Donohue at OHA at (312) 836-9900, by e-mail at [email protected] or visit oralhealthamerica.org.

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