The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Foundation reminds dental professionals that there are funds available to support projects that improve the oral health of the public and support the efforts of general dentists.
In 1972, the AGD established the AGD Foundation to fund a dental health exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Today, the foundation continues to award grants that support oral health initiatives.
AGD Foundation grants support:
* Dental access programs that help make dental care and oral health literacy available to underserved populations.
* Educational programs that train the general dentist to better serve the aged, the physically and mentally challenged, and children, particularly those whose economic circumstances place them at risk.
* Programs that address the issue of the shortage of full time dental school faculty.
This year, the AGD Foundation awarded a grant to the Texas Academy of General Dentistry to help fund a program that will provide free oral cancer screenings and will increase public and professional awareness of the oral complications of cancer therapy at the Lance Armstrong Foundation's Health and Sports Expo.
The AGD Foundation also awarded a grant to Oregon Health & Science University to help fund a new interdisciplinary course for dental, medical and nursing students that addresses ethical decision making common to all three training areas.
How to Apply for an AGD Foundation Grant
Applicants must be involved with a dental access program at a hospital, dental clinic or school. The AGD Foundation Board will consider proposals that clearly define the project and include a specific timeline and budget, scientific, educational or charitable goals and criteria for measuring success.
The deadline for the next round of grant applications is December 15, 2002. These proposals will be reviewed in February 2003; applicants will be notified of the Board's decisions no later than March 15, 2003. Last year, over $18,000 in grants were awarded and two thirds of all grant proposals received funding.
For a grant application, please contact Anne Costello, Development Manager, Academy of General Dentistry Foundation, at (312) 440-4306 or at [email protected].
Donations to the AGD Foundation are Needed
The AGD Foundation is also seeking donors to contribute to the Foundation. In the past, members of the dental community, dental manufacturers and generous individuals have donated funds. With the continued support of donors, the AGD Foundation will be able to fund future dental health initiatives.
The Academy of General Dentistry is a non-profit organization of more than 37,000 general dentists dedicated to staying up-to-date in the profession through continuing education. A general dentist is the primary care provider for patients of all ages and is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, management and overall coordination of services related to patient's oral health needs.