Dawson Academy offers four courses for lab technicians

June 3, 2008
Courses are part of academy's new curriculum.

ST. PETERSBURG, Forida--Proper communication between dentists and laboratory technicians is more important than ever. The Dawson Academy believes in and supports the dentist-technician alliance by offering four new courses taught by Lee Culp, CDT.

The four laboratory technician courses and the dates they are being offered are:

*Diagnostic Waxing
Sept. 19-21

*Elements of Design – Smile Design
Oct. 3-5

*Elements of Design – Natural Posterior
Oct. 24-26

*Elements of Design – Natural Anterior
Nov. 7-9

Each course offers 20 continuing education credits and costs $2,800 per student. All four courses fall under the Dawson Academy's Advanced Restorative Elective Track and will be held at The Institute for Oral Art and Design Education Center in Sarasota, Fla.

About Diagnostic Waxing
Dr. Peter Dawson refers to doing a case four times--in your mind, in wax, in plastic, and in the final restorative material. It is in the second phase (in wax) when the dentist and technician develop the understanding and plans to make the result a success. Like the old axiom, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there," the waxing phase ensures you know where you're going. This 2.5-day course presents to students a comprehensive view of oral function and esthetics in a hands-on course. Students will learn a fast and effective technique for fabricating natural-colored diagnostic wax-ups for case presentation while focusing on occlusion, function and esthetics. The course is being offered to not only technicians, but dentists and clinical assistants as well.

About Elements of Design – Smile Design
Creating a beautiful smile for patients is one of the most rewarding restorative procedures that dentists can perform. In this 2.5-day course, students will create a new smile using some of the newest materials and techniques available. This course will offer students step-by-step procedures for creating the smiles that are now in demand by dentists and their patients.

About Elements of Design – Natural Posterior
This 2.5-day course defines the parameters necessary for creating function and esthetics with today's new pressed ceramic and zirconia technologies. Through lecture and instructor demonstrations, students will explore the "light dancing" system of mapping teeth into individual areas and addressing those areas with their color concerns. Of importance in the creation of natural ceramic restorations is the modeling of the materials. Students will learn this aspect in a precise and systemized format that will allow them to complete coronal contours and occlusal anatomy in the modeling process. Students will be given a structured approach for creating natural anatomical tooth form with balancing symmetry, asymmetry subtle shape and color nuances.

About Elements of Design – Natural Anterior
This 2.5-day course stresses that successful duplication of existing natural dentition requires careful analysis of surrounding dentition, then incorporating that information into a design and restorative plan. To replicate natural tooth structure, equal attention should be given to basic tooth shade, color nuance, value, translucency, as well as proper tooth shape and surface texture-luster. This course will focus on matching natural dentition while incorporating today's new materials and technologies.

For more information about these classes, dates, locations, prices and continuing education credits, contact the Dawson Academy at (800) 952-2178 or visit Dawson Academy.

To read more about the Dawson Academy, go to Dawson Academy.

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