LED Dental Inc., which is the manufacturer of the VELscope Oral Cancer Screening System, recently conducted an oral cancer symposium in Prague, Czech Republic.
Featured presentations included:
• "Live VELscope & Photography Demonstration" and "Clinical Application of VELscope" by Scott Benjamin, DDS.
• "A Specialist's Perspective: Clinical Case Reports" by oral pathologist Samson Ng, DMD of the British Columbia Cancer Agency.
• "Experiences with the VELscope System" by Martin Scheer, MD, DMD of the Department of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Cologne, Germany.
• "Development of Clinical Use Strategies for VELscope", a report on a 120-patient study being conducted by the University of Washington, presented on behalf of Edmond Truelove, DDS, MSD.
• "The Science & Research Behind VELscope" by David Morgan, PhD, senior vice president of product development and clinical affairs for LED Dental.
The event was attended by numerous key opinion leaders from the European dental community, as well as several executives from the VELscope system's European distributors.
"We were extremely gratified by our attendees' response to the presentations," said Claudia Morell, International Business Development Manager for LED Dental. "These highly respected opinion leaders clearly appreciate the threat represented by oral cancer, and the potential of the VELscope system to help dental practitioners confront that threat."
According to Ms. Morell, the VELscope system is now being distributed in over 15 countries in Europe and over 30 countries globally.