EUGENE, Oregon--An old adage states, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
But two studies now confirm that an oral patch treatment for canker sores can get rid of most canker sores in just 24 hours.
In the latest study, Canker Cover, was compared to a standard treatment containing benzocaine. Benzocaine is a pain-relieving substance and is the main ingredient in most canker sore products. The median healing time for patients using Canker Cover was 24 hours compared to 120 hours for those using the benzocaine product.
How does it work? The Canker Cover patch, or disc, is placed on the canker sore. It adheres within seconds and forms a clear, gel-like protective "seal" that lasts eight to 12 hours. It won't come off while eating.
In the newest study (Drugs in R & D, Jan. 2008), 86.9 percent of the oral patch patients said they would use the treatment again, compared to 50 percent of the oral solution group.
"Canker Cover is the most effective OTC canker sore treatment," said company president Eve McClure. "Canker sore sufferers are finding that our product provides superior pain relief while getting rid of most canker sores in just one day, an average healing time that no other product has achieved."
In a previous study with 248 patients, the effectiveness of Canker Cover was compared to a 'blank', that is an oral patch with no active ingredients and to a control group that received no treatment. The study, showing similar results, was published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (93:2927-2935).
Fifty-six million Americans get canker sores regularly, but teenagers and young adults get them most often, and women more frequently than men. Canker sores are shallow, painful sores on the inside of the lips, the inside of the cheeks, or on the gums.
Without treatment, canker sores heal in two to three weeks. Nobody knows for sure what causes canker sores, although stress, vitamin B12 or iron deficiencies, menstruation, hormonal changes, and food allergies are all suspected. Common effects of canker sores include difficulty eating or even talking.
"Most canker sore products are simply topical pain relievers that numb the pain," commented Dr. Ethan Schuman, a dentist based in St. Louis, Mo. "But, as anyone who's ever had a canker sore knows, they work only moderately well and need to be reapplied constantly. There are liquids gels that form a film over the sore, but they don't last very long and a good hot drink will make them melt. A few products contain anti-bacterial agents primarily used to prevent secondary infections, which are rare in any event. Of course, none of these products speed healing to any significant degree."
The 50-person study, which was published in the January 2008 issue of Drugs in R&D, also showed that Canker Cover provided better pain relief, had fewer side effects (such as bad taste, numbing, tingling, etc.), caused no difficulty swallowing after application, and was easy to use.
"The benefit to canker sore sufferers is quite clear", said the new study's primary author, Dr. Avner Shemer. "The oral patch heals canker sores in a day, stops pain and protects the sore from food and drink irritants for eight to 12 hours at a time."
Canker CoverT is a tablet-like patch made from edible ingredients. It adheres to the canker sore within seconds and forms a clear, gel-like protective 'seal' that lasts eight to 12 hours. The patch completely stops the pain, protects the sore from tongue, teeth, food, drink and other irritants, and won't come off while eating.
While on, the patch releases menthol, sea salt, citrus oil and other nutrients which prevent pain and speed the healing process. For most users, a single patch is all that is needed. As an added benefit, the patch keeps breath fresh.
For more details, visit Canker Cover.
For more information, call toll-free at (800) 448-1448 or visit Quantum Health.
See "Treating Oral Ulcers" from RDH Magazine at Treating Oral Ulcers.