ORA Dental Studio debuts CMU3 Ozone Therapy System

Aug. 3, 2009
Technology aims to replace dental drills for eliminating cavities.

CHICAGO, Illinois--ORA Dental Studio has become one of the first group practices in Chicago to implement the CMU3 Ozone Therapy System.

The system is an alternative to traditional, more-invasive treatment of tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease. Ozone therapy with the CMU3 unit is a simple, quick, noninvasive, and pain-free procedure that eliminates the need for injections and drilling into healthy, sensitive tooth structure.

"Ozone therapy represents a major paradigm shift in the way we treat dental decay and periodontal disease," says Dr. Mladen Kralj, lead developer of ORA Dental Studio concept.

"This is the future. It is by far the most promising therapeutic dental technology currently on the market. Ozone therapy has been in use in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan and several other countries since 2001 and there is reliable, comprehensive, evidence-based research that supports this remarkable treatment modality."

Until ozone therapy was introduced to dentistry, the only way to eradicate decay causing bacteria from teeth was by removing the infected tooth structure with drills, air abrasion, or lasers. Now, in the early stages of tooth decay, the CMU3 Ozone device can be utilized without any anesthetic, removal of tooth structure, or discomfort.

"Cavities develop as the environment below the enamel surface of the tooth becomes acidic," said Dr. Goran Kralj, managing partner at ORA. "Ozone not only eradicates the acid-making bacteria, it also neutralizes their acidic waste. The new environment that occurs following the biochemical change in the lesion allows minerals to flow back into the tooth, hardening and reversing the effects of decay."

This revolutionary therapy eliminates bacteria with a burst of ozone, an allotrope of oxygen, made by the CMU3 dental system. The CMU3 consists of an ozone generator and a hand piece fitted with a unique application tip, which is connected to the CMU3 unit by a delivery and scavenger hose. In just 60 seconds, ozone gas is applied directly to the infected tooth to eliminate bacteria and cavity-causing agents.

Elimination of bacteria, fungi, and viruses with ozone has been safely used for decades in water purification plants and systems, the food and beverage industry, and in hospitals.

"The medical profession has been using ozone for some time now to sterilize operating rooms, treat a variety of diseases, and to accelerate wound-healing," says oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Steven Koos. "Trioxygen, otherwise known as ozone, is one of the most powerful and effective agents that we can use on microorganisms. It is deadly to bacteria, viruses, and fungi and it is only natural that its use in the dental profession has followed suit."

In addition to treating tooth decay and early stage periodontal disease, the CMU3 unit can be used in treating canker sores, herpetic lesions, abscesses, and other forms of oral disease and wounds.

Controlled ozone application has been found to be extremely safe and completely free from side effects--much freer than most medications, including antibiotics.

For more information on the CMU3 Ozone Therapy System, visit Lime Technologies.

To read more about Lime Technologies, go to Lime Technologies.

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