Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois offers BlueCare Dental plan
CHICAGO--Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is offering individual and family dental plans to its members with the BlueCare Dental PPO plan.
With the BlueCare Dental PPO, members have access to one of the largest networks of contracting dentists and are able to see any dentist without a referral.
"The BlueCare Dental PPO plan has one of the highest maximum benefit levels with no deductibles for checkups, cleanings and other preventive services," said BCBSIL Divisional Vice President of Consumer Markets Katherine Wright. "This saves our members' money."
With the BlueCare Dental PPO plan, costs are reduced when members receive care from a network dentist; however, the plan allows members to see any dentist not in the network. But out-of-pocket costs may be higher. There is also a 20% discount for orthodontic services at participating dentists.
Existing individual members can add BlueCare Dental PPO to their health insurance plan without having to answer any medical questions through Jan. 29, 2010.
It's as simple as adding an amendment (called a dental rider) to their policy. All family members currently on the BCBSIL health insurance plan must be added to the dental plan. Coverage begins after the first dental premium is received.
To enroll in the dental plan, members can log in to Blue Access for Members at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, call (888) 454-5594, or contact a BCBSIL authorized independent health insurance agent.
The deadline for existing members to enroll is Jan. 29, 2010. New BCBSIL applicants can check the dental checkbox on the application for medical coverage.
To read more about dental health, go to dental clinics.
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