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The intersection of AI and graphic design: Revolutionizing visuals in the dental industry

April 12, 2023
As AI becomes more available and easier to use, you might want to consider using it for your dental marketing. You'll be surprised at the unique and effective results.

We’re on the cusp of a revolution. AI is set to completely change the way we interact with each other and the world. I know that sounds incredible, and possibly ominous, but it’s happening. The genie is out of the lamp.

If you haven’t yet, you’ll hear phrases such as “machine learning,” “predictive modeling,” and “natural language processing.” These are subsets of AI that involve training computers to learn from data and then make decisions and predictions based on that data. It allows machines to improve their performance over time as they process more data and adjust their algorithms accordingly. 

Forward-thinking dental marketing companies are using AI tools to automate tedious tasks, improve efficiencies, and unlock new creative possibilities. One element of AI dental marketing is dental graphic design.

What are some new AI tools?

Recent advancements in AI have led to the development of innovative tools and platforms, from AI-driven graphic design software such as MidJourney and Firefly by Adobe, natural language processing applications like ChatGPT, and 3D imaging for clinical diagnosis like Pearl.

We've been using ChatGPT to help write copy for blog posts, dental websites, and social media captions. I even used it to help write this article. We’re also using graphic design software. The one I like the most is called MidJourney, which I used to create one of the images in the header of this article. Can you tell me which one? Keep reading, and I’ll tell you.

You might also be interested in: ChatGPT: Will it revolutionize the dental industry?

AI's impact on dental graphic design

Dental practice owners must realize the value of great visuals in dental digital marketing. Visuals attract potential patients, convey important information, and establish or maintain brand identity. Although using stock photography is necessary for some practices, it doesn’t pass the authenticity bar and is easily recognized by potential patients.

AI tools have become so sophisticated that you can create and tailor an image to whatever you want. AI tools can simplify creating consistent and engaging branded content for dental social media, ensuring dental practices maintain a professional and cohesive online presence. Forward-thinking dental practices and graphic designers are adopting AI to enhance their dental marketing efforts.

How graphic designers are leveraging AI to improve tasks and drop costs

AI-driven graphic design tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required to create custom visuals. By automating design tasks such as image generation, color palette selection, and logo design, graphic designers can focus on high-level creative decisions and deliver more value to their clients and decrease their manual labor, all at a lower cost.

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Dentistry and AI for every dental specialty

AI can easily match graphics to your dental practice color scheme

AI design tools can analyze your dental practice's existing visual assets and automatically generate graphics that match your brand's color palette. This ensures a consistent and cohesive visual identity across all marketing materials. I asked MidJourney to create an image of a woman using the blue colors from the DentistryIQ logo. The AI matched the DentistryIQ logo colors with the color of her eyes, and the faded background contains monochromatic colors from the logo. Why shouldn’t your dental website design and images coordinate with your color palette? 

Creating graphics for websites and blog posts

AI can generate eye-catching images for dental websites and blogs, making it easier for practices to create visually engaging content that attracts potential patients and keeps them interested. We recently kicked off a dental AI graphic design Instagram account. You’ll want to follow us because we’re uploading tons of great content each week. You’re welcome to use any of the imagery we create. Just make sure to tag us when you post. We’re leaning into using AI to help generate imagery for our own marketing purposes. Some of the graphics on our blog were created by AI.

AI helps with creating dental social media content

AI-driven graphic design tools can generate a wide range of visuals for social media, including infographics, quote images, and promotional graphics. This enables dental practices to maintain a consistent and engaging presence on social platforms, ultimately driving more traffic and potential patients to their practice. 

The Dental Publisher is the largest library of dental social media graphics in the world. It allows a dental practice to quickly find a graphic and publish it to their social media accounts. We’re currently working on an integration of ChatGPT, allowing a dental practice to create social media captions and significantly decrease the time required to manage social media.

The advantages of using AI for dental practice logo design

AI can simplify the logo design process by generating concepts based on a dental practice's brand identity. This allows dentists to explore design options and choose the one that best represents their brand. It took me about two hours to create 100 dental practice logos. From those, I picked 10 to post to our dental AI art Instagram account. Take a second to check them out.

I wouldn’t go to market with any of those logos as the final product. But a great graphic designer could come up with several iterations very quickly. There’s no reason to spend thousands of dollars on logo creation nowadays. Creating multiple logo concepts using AI is so fast that it would be a mistake not to use it.

AI-driven graphic design tools save time and money and unleash new creative possibilities by generating original and engaging visuals. By combining the power of AI with human creativity, dental practices can stand out in a competitive market and attract more patients. By learning about new advancements in AI, you can revolutionize your visual dental marketing efforts, reduce costs, and create a unique brand identity that sets you apart in a competitive industry. 

And the answer to the question about which image in the header was created by MidJourney is … all the images in the header were made by AI.

About the Author

Adrian Lefler

Adrian Lefler is the vice president of My Social Practice and manages the dental marketing team. If you would like to book him to speak at your event, you you may do so on the company’s dental marketing expert page.