Today I want to share with you the most extensive and detailed guide for dental marketing — The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan — that's available today. This resource is chock full of tactical, immediately-actionable ideas that you can implement in your dental marketing program — to start building a community of fans and followers, to increase engagement and traffic to your website, and to generate more quality new patients each month.
LinkedIn tops Facebook for producing new dental patient traffic
Everything from planning to writing to promoting your content is included, so you have all the information you need to be insanely successful and prosperous on the web — all in one place! (Click on the images to view the entire Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan.)
Who is The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan for?
If you’ve only read about dental marketing, if you’ve already started to get your hands dirty, or if you want to learn more about producing and publishing content, The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan is for you.
The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan is for anyone who wants to take marketing their dental practice on the web to the next level — general dentists, cosmetic dentists, and even dental specialists. The Plan provides dozens of actionable tactics you can put to work today to begin engaging your ideal customers with high-value content.
What we can learn from McDonald's and other wildly successful companies
Dentists, reach out to college students now and reap the benefits later
How much of The Plan should you read?
To get the most value, you’ll want to read the whole thing! While you may not need to apply every section to your content plan today, you will gain an understanding of the concepts in each part. You can start your dental marketing by implementing one type of content at a time. So start with your blog. Then add one new type of content at a time. The key is to integrate it into the rest of your marketing plan so it works together like cogs in a machine. To start, you may read whatever section applies to you now, but it can definitely benefit you to read it all.
The ULTIMATE Dental Marketing Plan for 2014 and Beyond is the complete “how-to" manual to help you generate more quality new dental patients from the internet. The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan gives you fresh insights and ideas that have been practice-proven and time-tested and are the most advanced dental marketing strategies on the planet.
So if you're looking for the ultimate dental marketing plan, want to beef up your dental web marketing program, have been searching for the absolute best in dental marketing strategies and ideas, or simply want to improve your professional reputation and strengthen your online presence, then The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan from Growth Hacker Central is what you've been waiting for!
The ULTIMATE Dental Marketing Plan ... for 2014 and Beyond WORKBOOK is a free eBook available for immediate download and instant application, which means your dental marketing program can finally start producing more quality new dental patients from the Internet today.
Ken Newhouse, DDS, is the Founder of Growth Hacker Central, the fastest-growing provider of dentist SEO and dental web marketing strategies, systems, and tools with 2,800+ dentists worldwide. Ken also serves as CEO of Practice Doctor Management, an organization that provides a variety of offline dental marketing systems and coaching. Ken is a certified LinkedIn expert, reaching his first 1,000 connections in less-than 30 days. You can connect with Ken on LinkedIn here.