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Successful Treatment Plan Presentation

Aug. 15, 2011
Using effective scripts will help your team members enhance their verbal skills.

by Roger P. Levin, DDS

The use of effective scripts will help your team members enhance their verbal skills. Scripts such as the one below are a resource that can be read and studied by every member of your dental team. In addition, any new staff members will benefit also.One of the most important verbal skills for case presentation involves asking questions and assessing the patient’s interest level for the services you want to provide.ScriptDoctor: Ms. Martin, how can I help you?Patient:Well, Dr. Lewis, I was interested in fixing some things.Doctor: Are you having any specific problems at this time?Patient:Yes. I have some soreness in this area …Doctor:I see. Is there anything else?Patient: Well, yes. I don’t like the way my teeth look when I smile.Doctor: Well, Ms. Martin, there are many things we can do to help you.
First of all, how long have you been experiencing soreness?
Patient: For about two weeks now. Also, I would also like to have my front two teeth fixed. Doctor: No problem, Mrs. Martin. However, let’s take care of the discomfort first. The reason you are having discomfort is that you have a broken molar in the back right area. After we restore that tooth for you, we can then proceed with the cosmetic dentistry necessary to improve your smile.Patient:That would be wonderful!Addressing patient needsYou may have noticed that the patient in this case has specific dental needs. The dentist addressed those needs using questions and determined the patient’s interest level in having dental care performed. The patient also expressed an interest in cosmetic dentistry. Although the need-based dentistry takes priority, the dentist sets the expectation for the cosmetic procedures later.The first step in a treatment presentation (in particular, an elective one) is to evaluate the patient’s motivation level. Once the patient has demonstrated interest, you can then create excitement by offering an enthusiastic presentation that will help the patient recognize the benefits of treatment.Many people who come to the dentist are reluctant patients. Your goal is to make them feel good about their decision to keep the appointment. Let patients know that your team is glad that they are there.
Excerpted from Dr. Roger Levin’s book, "Essential Scripts for Patient Communication." To order your copy,go to and click to order a hard copy or digital download. Use the following code for a special Dentistry IQ 20% discount: DIQ21. Also visit the website for more information about how to run a more profitable, efficient .and satisfying practice. Be sure and visit the Levin Group Resource Center at, a free online resource with tips, videos, and other valuable information. You can also connect with Levin Group on Facebook and Twitter (Levin_Group) to learn strategies and share ideas.