Content Dam Diq Online Articles 2017 04 Calendar Software

Dental practice success comes to those who plan . . . with software calendars

April 13, 2017
There are a multitude of calendar software programs available that will help dental practices run more smoothly. The ones mentioned in this article are some of the top choices. Why do they work well, and how can they help your practice?

There are a multitude of calendar software programs available that will help dental practices run more smoothly. The ones mentioned in this article are some of the top choices. Why do they work well, and how can they help your practice?

Running a busy dental practice is not easy, but by making good use of technology you can significantly cut down on your administrative work. Not only that, but reliable calendar software is useful for ensuring that none of your appointments are accidentally moved or erased, meetings are on schedule, and there is ease of changeability when your team needs to rearrange the schedule.

We’ve taken a look at some of the world’s top calendar software and spoken to numerous dental practice owners and practice managers to see which calendar and software systems have helped their dental practices run as smoothly as possible. These practices use calendar systems for product ordering, staff meetings, appraisals, and even organizing dental conferences and events.


The Apple Calendar may seem a little bland and simple, but it’s this ease of use and familiarity that make it a great tool for busy dental practices. Not only does Apple Calendar make it easy for staff to color code and search for events, it also makes it simple for colleagues to link to each other’s calendars so they no longer have to bother each other with emails to check someone else’s schedule.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is just as famous as its Apple counterpart, if not more so. Just like Apple it manages to retain its many advantages despite being simple and seemingly basic. Also like Apple Calendar, a Google Calendar can be synced with other staff to ensure all members of your team area aware of each other’s schedules. It is also possible to connect to a single calendar using multiple devices so it gives small practices the option of creating a shared calendar that everyone can access.

Microsoft Calendar

A more personal approach to calendars, the Microsoft Calendar is sadly not as good as its peers when it comes to syncing calendars and dates. However, it does provide the added benefit of making it easy to sync your emails with your calendar, so any appointments or courses discussed in an email can be directly input into the calendar. This ensures that nothing is missed so the practice can continue running smoothly.


Designed for computers rather than smart devices, Blotter blends seamlessly with your desktop to provide easy viewing of your daily tasks. Rather than having to open your calendar, you can easily keep track of your tasks by placing it in front of your eyes, and without impacting on your normal work.

Week Calendar

Week Calendar is very customizable and designed to provide a huge number of features when compared with its competitors. Specifically, users can take advantage of multiple alarms, autocomplete of tasks, and a helpful widget. Additionally, users can create event templates so that pesky monthly meetings can be added in a matter of seconds.

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Hassan Mushaid is a qualified dental nurse who has worked in every role for some of the UK’s leading dental practices. Voted for three consecutive years on the UK Dentistry’s most influential list, he is also the Creative Director at The Creative Composite. Hassan has built a reputation for being one of dentistry’s most tenacious dental marketing consultants, offering services from website design, SEO, Google Adwords, and marketing strategies. For more information visit or contact Hassan at