With just a click of the mouse, dentists and their teams are feasting on "big cheese" in the form of substantive, practical, and proven McKenzie Management business strategies at the new www.mckenziemgmt.com.
"Unlike some sites that merely offer promotional window-dressing, the primary objective of our new website is to give dentists practical answers upfront on the tough management issues they deal with everyday," said McKenzie Management President Sally McKenzie.
Through the easy-to-navigate mckenziemgmt.com site, visitors can quickly conduct confidential practice assessments. "With just 25 simple yes or no questions, a dentist can determine if their practice is operating at peak performance. And what's more, they'll promptly receive a full report on practical strategies and approaches to address areas that might not be achieving optimum performance. Dentists can personally experience the benefits of the McKenzie Management approach with just a few key strokes," said Ms. McKenzie.
Packed with complete information on the McKenzie Management Dental Practice Enrichment Program, dental staff view on their computer screens the systematic strategies that will guide them from mediocre to magnificent in every area ? business, clinical, hygiene, technology, practice start-up, and more. "We spell it out. Dentists and their teams see for themselves how they can increase production upwards of 40% on average through the McKenzie Management Practice Enrichment Programs," explained Ms. McKenzie.
Website visitors also can access dozens of quick, concise articles and tips written with that Sally McKenzie straight-talk flair that provide a multitude of specific recommended actions dentists and staff can take to deal with numerous challenges from the everyday scheduling struggles to those potentially nightmarish personnel issues.
"This site, like every tool McKenzie Management offers dentists, is designed with total practice performance in mind. It is an instrument developed to help the dentist and his or her team get the very most out of their practice," explained Ms. McKenzie.
The site also features up-to-the-minute information on the latest team building workshops, nationwide McKenzie Management seminars, practical books and learning resources for the dental practice, and much, much more.
Check out the new McKenzie Management Website at www.mckenziemgmt.com.